Happy Earth Day from Life's Journey Hospice

On this Earth Day, we at Life's Journey Hospice want to take a moment to appreciate the beautiful planet we call home. Earth provides us with the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the resources that sustain us every day.

As we reflect on the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable practices, let us remember that every action we take has an impact on the world around us. From reducing waste to conserving energy, there are many simple ways we can contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.

Let's join hands in nurturing and protecting our Earth today and every day. Happy Earth Day! 🌍 #EarthDay #Life'sJourneyHospice

part of the Earth

In the twilight of existence, we return to the Earth

From dust to dust, a cycle of birth and mirth

The soil that cradled us in our tender days

Now awaits our final rest in nature's embrace

Beneath the open sky, under the canopy of stars

We find solace in knowing we are part of this grand bazaar

Trees whisper ancient wisdom, Rivers carry our dreams

Mountains stand tall as guardians and life flows in streams

As we bid farewell to the worldly woes and strife,

We take comfort in the eternal dance of life

Our journey may end, but the Earth will endure,

A timeless legacy, simple and pure

So let us release our worries, and let go of all fears

As we surrender to the beauty of the passing years

For in the end, we are one with the soil and the sod,

A part of this Earth, returning to our maker, our God


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