February is Heart Month

In the United States, February is recognized as American Heart Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about heart health and cardiovascular diseases. Throughout this month, various organizations, healthcare providers, and communities strive to educate people about the importance of maintaining a healthy heart and taking steps to prevent heart-related issues. It serves as a reminder for individuals to prioritize their cardiovascular well-being through lifestyle choices such as eating a balanced diet, staying physically active, managing stress, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking. American Heart Month is a crucial time for promoting heart-healthy habits and empowering individuals to make positive changes for their overall health and well-being.

Hospice Care for end-stage cardiac patients is one of the least utilized diagnoses supported and paid for by Medicare/Medicaid. Patients are typically ambulatory and still functioning in one or two rooms of their homes and are not generally thought of as hospice candidates. Life’s Journey Hospice and Palliative Care can help with specialized disease management based on the needs of cardiac patients.

  What are the benefits of addressing cardiac needs sooner rather than later?

  • Increased comfort and symptom management for patients 

  • Improved medication management and compliance

  • Decreased patient anxiety and family stress

  • Reduced emergency room visits and hospitalizations

  • On-Site patient visits

  • Respites available for caregivers and family

  • Assistance with end-of-life planning and difficult conversations and decisions

     Who qualifies for End-Stage Heart Failure?


  • Symptoms of heart failure or angina at rest

  • Discomfort with any activity

  • Optimally treated with diuretics and vasodilators

Heart Disease Hospice Criteria

Individuals with advanced heart disease may be eligible for hospice care if they meet specific criteria. Typically, hospice criteria for heart disease include symptoms such as severe shortness of breath at rest, frequent hospitalizations despite optimal medical management, declining functional status, and a poor response to interventions like medications or surgeries. Additionally, patients with advanced heart disease may qualify for hospice if they have other comorbidities that further impact their quality of life and prognosis. The focus of hospice care for heart disease is on symptom management, enhancing comfort, and providing emotional support for both the patient and their loved ones during this challenging time.

Supporting Criteria:

  • Severe or in-operable vascular or vascular disease

  • Ejection fraction less than 20%

  • Arrhythmias resistant to treatment

  • Syncope

  • Persistant edema or ascites

  • Need for oxygen to treat chest pain or SOB

“I’m so glad I took advantage of this program for cardiac patients. Life’s Journey Hospice has given me exceptional care, attention, and support. The staff’s professionalism and compassion immediately put me at ease. Their expertise and compassionate approach have improved my quality of life. I am very grateful for the care I’ve received.”  -Frank Solomon

If you need hospice care or have any questions,

call Life’s Journey Hospice at 317-561-6840.


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